Monday, May 25, 2009

ALMI said no, again.

On the ALMI website FAQ you can read "It's about taking risks when nobody else dares to do. ALMI dares."
We have 1/3 of the money, the bank is positive to provide 1/3 but the government agency that is supposed to give loans when the bank says no is not willing to provide the last 1/3.

If you are an investor and you have the money we need and are looking for a good investment, please contact us.

Sebastian Stjern
The Fair Tailor
-Dress Responsible


  1. What a shame, what's their reason for turning down the loan?

  2. I have some conspiratorial ideas...
    But the reason they gave us was that they believe that for a project like this you should not work with loans, you should only use money you already have.
    They are entitled to their opinion, and I'm entitled to disagree.

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